Monday, September 3, 2012

Our little 8-year old just isn't so little anymore...

So this is a little late in getting posted.  I just haven't been in a "blogging" mood lately.  Sorry.  A week ago last Saturday, our son turned 8.  It's so weird to think that my YOUNGEST son is 8.  I mean, I felt OLD before, but not enough to have a SECOND child that is 8 years old or older.

 Yes, Jacob, it's YOUR birthday...

We made him open the card from Grandma and Grandpa Walles first.  Money is always appreciated and will be rewarded with painful/goofy/incredulous looks.  Be forewarned...

My intent was to make him open this present last (because I'm a mean daddy and I thought it would be funny if he got the game first and thought it was for when we went to visit his friend who had a 3DS).  I was vetoed by the Authority Figure.  Needless to say, he might have been a little excited.  It's only the ONE present he's been begging for this past year.  I have to admit, however, the guy's fairly single-minded.  I've been kind of impressed...

Jacob clutching his prize in an excited "death grip"...

And the game to go with it...  It's not Zelda, but what are you gonna do?  Nothing wrong with a pasta-loving plumber...

This was the birthday cake that he picked out.  It was chocolate (yes, mommy still hates chocolate but it was HIS birthday so she choked it down like the good sport that she is) with white frosting and sprinkles.

A shot of Jacob blowing out the candles. After which, we ate with our friends, the Robinsons, who had come over to help us celebrate.  Ben Robinson is Jacob's friend and the one in the lower right corner of the picture.

This photo pretty well sums up the day, and is one of my favorite shots we've ever taken of him.  THAT is one contented boy.

- Josh

1 comment:

  1. Pure happiness!!! What a joy! Happy Birthday Jacob. Now we have another handheld game playing boy, with his eyes glued to a screen mumbling, okay mom, I'll get it in a minute....ahhh, boys and their toys! Hope you have super fun with the game!!
