Friday, January 3, 2014

Date Night, Take 1

One of the things Sarah and I are working on this year is to go on dates more often.  With a 12-year old in the house who wants practice babysitting so that she can start earning her own money, this is an opportune time.  She can watch Jacob, and we can go out on dates.  The catch: I, Josh the unromantic, have to plan and execute HALF of them.  When we started talking about this, I was thinking 1 every 3 months or so and she'd do the rest because she's better at it/more creative.  Whoa no.  Not a chance.  Half.  And not only that, I got volunteered (amazing how that works in a marriage isn't it?) to do the first one.  So I did what any good engineer would do when tackling an unfamiliar and bizarre problem: Google.

What I came up with was a list that was not nearly as long as I would like it to be, which means that in about 3-4 months, I'm in trouble.  For now, though, the truly clever or different ones that we do, we'll post.  For the first date, I sent her this:

We then had a list of 6 things that we did in Hastings.  They were:

#1 - Visit the COOKING section & chose a recipe that you would like to make for your spouse.
#2 – Visit the MAGAZINE section & find a quiz in a magazine that you and your spouse could do together.
#3 - Visit the CHILDREN’S section & find a book that was a favorite when you were a child or that holds a special memory for you…and read them to each other when you meet back up.
#4 – Visit the JOKE section and pick out a HI-LA-RI-OUS joke to share with your spouse.
#5 – Visit the TRAVEL section and find a picture or information on a place you would like to visit someday.
#6 – Visit the POEM section and find a poem that describes the way you feel about your spouse.

We spent roughly 2 hours in Hastings, talking and finding out even more about how different we are.  I am still amazed by this woman that agreed to marry me.  Best move of my life.

- Josh

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