Sunday, August 5, 2012

Monkeys and Zelda!

Meagan has been starting to climb anything that she can see.  Trees, shopping cart stalls, even doorways.  She's a regular monkey, which should make her aunt Cheri and uncle Nate happy...

We also got the Nintendo 64 out of storage and Jacob has been obsessed with the Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time.  He plays it all the time and when not playing it, he tries to get Meagan to play make-believe Zelda with him.  He imagines that he is Link saving the realm of Hyrule.  Reminds me of the days I spent playing army in the backyard.  Fun times...

- Josh


  1. Sounds like it is time for school to start. Climbing the walls!!!! Wow!!!

  2. Hey, you have to get your energy out somehow! I love it!

  3. I remember when we had Batman, Link, the Wright Brothers, & Mario, among others living in our house too!! Great times!! Right now, we have some sort of morphed version of a super hero living here...what ever he can find and get me to put on him-- winter hats and gloves are clearly not just winter attire in his imaginary world!!--V

  4. Firestar is Cailin.... V is me, Cailin's mom :)
