Monday, July 7, 2014

Jacob's garden

Good times....

Since living in a house, we have been having a lot of fun adventures.  Jacob loves to explore and asked if he could have the old fence post that we had to replace (because our dog would have escaped if we hadn't). I asked what he wanted it for, and he said he just wanted to experiment with it

I let him loose and thoroughly enjoyed watching him have funHe started by taking the hammer to it and pounding it over and over.  He said he was trying to break it. I told him that it wasn't working, and to try and think of another way he might accomplish his goal.  He stopped and thought about it, and I could see the "light bulb" go off in his head.  He then asked if he could use the brick in the garage. I told him of course, unsure of where this was heading. He then proceeded to put the fence post over the top of the brick and stood on top of it. Nothing happened, he then ran over to the side of the yard and ran as fast as he could and jumped on top of each side of the fence with the brick in the middle....eureka!!! It broke and he again repeated the process till he had the post into three pieces. 

I asked what he planned on doing now that he had demolished it. 
"I know exactly what I want to do with it.  Can I please have some nails and paint?" Intrigued, I said yes. He asked if he could go into the garage and "work" on his own.  A little nervous and curious, I agreed.

 After a while he came back in with a huge grin and showed me what he had created.

He has always wanted to grow peas just like grandpa does and now, that is a goal I can help him accomplish. We started these peas about 3 weeks ago and they are growing madly.

It has been such a blessing being able to watch him grow and blossom in ways that he couldn't do before moving into a house. I wish I had video taped this whole adventure, because it was very entertaining to watch. He has such passion and flare in things he loves. The next project he wants to do is to build his own telescope. So we are in the process of learning how to build one.



  1. Great job Jacob. Grandpa is soooo proud of you!!!

  2. I just caught up with all the new looks great (love the quilt on your bed!) The peas look fabulous! Megan looks's happy camper time!! Cailin is at camp right now. They aren't as lucky at your electricity, but they do have showers, they're just a bit grungy.
