Monday, July 7, 2014

Our New Home

There's no Place Like Home...

We did it, we are finally in a home!! After 14 years of marriage, we decided that living in an apartment really sucks!! I couldn't stand the noise and smoking in the halls anymore and everything just laid out perfectly.  We were able to break our lease without penalty, and find a home that was the same amount of rent as our apartment within a few days.  The Lord was really watching out for us and everything just went perfectly with no bumps or delays.
 I have a few plans on how I am going to decorate the front yard, it is to plain for my taste.

This is one view of the living room and yes I know we have a ton of movies!
I really like the ceiling and how there is some character to it.

The other view of the living room...

Our dining room.  I can also start using my family home evening chart I made those many years ago.  Just never had the room to hang it up.  I do now!!!

The kitchen photo is darker than I had hoped but you get the idea of how it looks. We also have a bigger fridge/freezer than we have had in the past and I loooove it. Also, look at all that room, we can now cook as a family and not have to take turns of who can be in the kitchen. We all fit!!

Meagan's room. She decorated it very well and yes she does have a lot of stuff.

Jacob's room. On the other hand he does not have much "stuff" (and yes dad I know women always have more "stuff" than men :) ).

Master bedroom. Our bedroom got significantly larger and I am just fine with that. We needed more space in our room. Now I can finally have my drawing desk in the house. Also Josh now has space to play his ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) board game.

And we have room for all of our books!!! Which the kids are happy with since they used to be in their rooms.

I did not get a picture of the backyard, but I am just happy we have one now.  I am hoping to build some grow boxes and start to garden. We are just so happy to have our own space and a place to run around outside.  It has also been so nice going outside into the garage and get into the car on a normal day in Texas (90-100 degrees) and not burn ourselves on the steering wheel cause it's no longer in the sun.
I am very grateful to the Lord for helping us get here. Also, I am grateful to family and friends who helped.  I did go a little OCD on unpacking and had the house all in order in about a week and a half.  I hate living out of boxes and having things unorganized.  Thank you Josh, for putting up with me and having to deal with my stubbornness.  It really feels like we are finally home!!!


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