Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cubanopolis 2013 and Pack Meeting

Last Tuesday was Pack Meeting for the Cub Scouts.  Jacob had gotten enough items done that he was able to get his first red bead toward his Bear badge (once 4 are attained, you get your Bear).

With the pesky award ceremony out of the way, we could get to the important stuff: Cubanopolis.  The Cubs each had to create a "race car" from a cardboard box (and pieces).  Because he only focuses on one recreational activity at a time, his car HAD to be Minecraft-related.  So we discussed it as a family and decided on helping him to create a Creeper car.  They split into "heats" and were off to the races.

Each lap required a "pit stop".  Meagan and I were his crew.  We had to change his tires (untie and re-tie his shoes), clean his windshield (he was wearing some goggles that we sprayed with water and wiped off), and filled him up with gas (gave him a small cup of water).

4 laps in total, Sarah got a couple of photos of him racing. We need to work on running mechanics at some point...

Here's a shot of him and his creepermobile.  He liked it enough that he still has it to play with. 

He had a good time, and that always makes us happy.  We like that he is finally starting to consistently enjoy going to Cub Scouts and do some of the activities involved in getting his awards.  As a Cub and later a Boy Scout, I learned many valuable lessons that have helped me in life.  I hope that he continues in his excitement to learn those lessons for himself.

- Josh